Flatlander 2nd Saturday Concerts and Events

Flatlanders 2nd Saturday Shop Local Events featuring food and Free Entertainment in downtown setting
Christmas Parade - 1st Thursday in December
Milltown Motorcade - 2nd Saturday in April
Milltown Classic Golf Tournament - at Store Ridge Country Club in April w/the Lion’s Club
Flatlanders Youth Fishing Derby - June 4th w/City and the Dept. of Fish & Wildlife Service
Southern Georgia Regional Commission - we partner with the City council and County Commissioners to stay abreast of programs and resources to fulfil the needs of our community
South Georgia Military Affairs Committee (SGMAC)- We are allied with the counties surrounding Moody Air Force Base; Lanier, Lowndes, Berrien and Cook counties have combined forces and resources with Moody to both improve the quality of life for our military residents and create a climate of lasting cooperation and growth.   Lanier County High School Mock Interview Program; with other loyal members we help fund practice interviews lead by local professionals. The interviews are graded with prizes for outstanding performance, but the important take-away is the invaluable feedback and confidence boosting experience the students gain.
Leadership Lanier - Local leaders engage in an 8-month course with 8 day-long classes designed to educate and broaden their scope by exploring Local, State and Federal government leadership issues.
Leadership Lanier Youth - High School students in Lanier County engage in a similar 6-month course
Store 37 / Trail 37 - Trail 37 is a marketing tool to highlight products and businesses along Hwy 37.  We display and sell local products and literature at the Chamber of Commerce Welcome Center.
Murals Restoration – We assist the Development Authority w/the Mural’s maintenance and restoration